by mike | Oct 19, 2020 | Horror, Humor, Monsters, Myths & Legends, Uncategorized |
Would a horror movie with a title like that make you want to sign up with another streaming service so you can watch it? No, I didn’t think so. But just such a creature emerged from the ocean off Clearwater, Florida over seventy years ago—or did it? WE SEE WHAT WE...
by mike | Oct 15, 2020 | Disaster Movies, Fantasy, Movies, Myths & Legends, Uncategorized |
Some real star power in this film. I first presented the post in 2017. Three of Hollywood’s leading men in one movie? Yes, the 2002 post-apocalyptic fantasy, Reign of Fire, gave us Christian Bale, Matthew McConaughey, and Gerard Butler, all with a common goal: kill...
by mike | Oct 5, 2020 | Death, Horror, Myths & Legends, Nightmares, Uncategorized |
When Wes Craven, the late film director, needed source material for his 1977 horror classic, The Hills Have Eyes, he turned to a story that combined truth and possibly fiction. An easy choice: he referenced the legend of Sawney Bean. For those who are not aficionados...
by mike | Aug 31, 2020 | Curious Possessions, Myths & Legends, Travel, Uncategorized |
When my bride and I returned from an amazing trip to Iceland over a decade ago, we brought home the studious troll you see pictured here. Icelanders love their trolls (and elves, too) and are happy to point some of them out to visitors—the ones that have been turned...
by mike | Aug 6, 2020 | Myths & Legends, Nightmares, Non-Fiction, Paranormal, Uncategorized |
Mass hysteria may have accounted for these bizarre incidents back in the day. This post first ran in 2016. This is one weird story…and I do mean weird. It occurred a long time ago, and to this day the “explanations” are no more than guesswork and speculation. Some...
by mike | Aug 3, 2020 | Horror, Monsters, Myths & Legends, Uncategorized |
Did a woman named Deborah Leeds give birth to a spawn of Satan in 1735? According to the folklore of the forested Pine Barrens region in the southern part of what is now New Jersey, she sure as heck did. Here is one possible scenario about the creation of the legend...