Just got back from a super trip to New York City, my old hometown—though these days I go as a tourist. I made a great discovery there for those who find fascination with Native American culture, which I’ll detail in a future post. For now, in my jetlagged state I’m headed up to Anaheim today for the Rolling Stones concert. How could I not love a band whose members are older than me!

burning ground cover IIII did return home to a bit of cool news from the San Diego Book Awards Association. My Native American-themed ghost story, The Burning Ground, is a finalist for their 2013 award in the category of SciFi, Fantasy, and Horror. Needless to say, I am honored. The awards will be presented at a ceremony later in June. And no, I will not wear a tux.

And speaking of Native American-themed horror novels, The Modoc Well will be available for free Kindle download on Friday, May 17th, and Saturday, May 18th. Like the Maidu in The Burning Ground, the Modoc people roamed a broad area of northern California, though closer to the border of Oregon. I drew upon some of their modoc wellmythology to create a rather nasty demon that, after being dormant for well over a century, has risen again to cause its share of havoc. Enjoy!

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