by mike | Nov 14, 2019 | Books, Editing, Films About Writers, Movies, Publishing, Research, Thrillers, Uncategorized |
This fine film focuses on an interesting—if misunderstood—profession. I first wrote about it in 2016. The Ghost Writer, a 2010 political drama directed by Roman Polanski, stars a young Obi-Wan Kenobi (wait, I mean Ewan McGregor) as “The Ghost.” He is never referred to...
by mike | Nov 7, 2019 | Books, Movies, Psychological Thrillers, Thrillers, Uncategorized |
I get the willies just thinking about some of the psychos created by author Thomas Harris. This post first ran in 2016. Most people think of Anthony Hopkins when they hear the name Hannibal Lecter, and rightfully so. Hopkins won an Academy Award for portraying the...
by mike | Sep 26, 2019 | Blowing Shit Up, Disaster Movies, Movies, Thrillers, Uncategorized |
Natural disasters account for plenty of shit blowing up on the silver screen. This post first ran in 2015. Yes, in case you didn’t know, tornadoes are responsible for blowing lots of shit up. Mother Nature does get pissed upon occasion. And nowhere is this better...
by mike | Aug 5, 2019 | Books, Death, Holocaust, Non-Fiction, Psychological Thrillers, Thrillers, Uncategorized, Writing |
I’ve chosen this time to re-run a post from a few years back. Why? Given the horrors of the past few days, I think that’s obvious. EVIL is running rampant, and if anything it is getting worse. This morning my bride picked up the main section of our local newspaper and...
by mike | Jul 29, 2019 | Fantasy, Guilty Pleasures, Horror, Horror Movies, Movies, Nightmares, Psychological Thrillers, Thrillers, Uncategorized |
I could have written about the 2018 “psychedelic drama action horror” film, Mandy, as a Guilty Pleasure, given its almost non-existent box office. But “pleasure” is not a word I would use after watching it, though I did find it fascinating in an oddly disturbing sort...
by mike | Jul 18, 2019 | Films About Writers, Horror, Horror Movies, Movie Lines, Movies, Psychological Thrillers, Thrillers, Uncategorized, Writing |
Another strange role for the guy who played Captain Jack Sparrow and Tonto, among others. This post first ran in 2015. “You stole my story!” That is arguably the most memorable line from the 2004 psychological thriller, Secret Window. Based on a short story by Stephen...