by mike | Sep 22, 2016 | Horror, Horror Movies, Movies, Science Fiction, Uncategorized |
Last week’s post from 2012—as this one is—addressed two cross-genre, sci-fi/horror classics, Alien and Aliens. Trust me, the praise will not be as effusive for Alien 3 or Alien: Resurrection. Still, they’re part of the quadrilogy and deserve some thoughts, so here...
by mike | Sep 15, 2016 | Horror, Horror Movies, Movies, Science Fiction, Uncategorized |
The four-film Alien series—the ones with Sigourney Weaver—easily merited a couple of posts, which I first presented back in 2012. Alien, the 1979 gem that successfully crossed science fiction with horror, is a super movie and easily in the top fifty to sixty films...
by mike | Sep 12, 2016 | Books, California, Horror, Horror Movies, Movies, Science Fiction, Uncategorized, Writing |
During my many decades—or is that centuries?—living on this planet I have encountered a number of people who’ve shared the same childhood nightmare. In it, they awaken one morning to discover that their mother is not their mother, or their favorite uncle is no longer...
by mike | Sep 8, 2016 | Horror, Horror Movies, Movies, Uncategorized |
Why can’t folks just enjoy cheesy B movies for what they are? I wrote about one of my favorites in a 2012 post. Okay, a confession: of all the things that creep, crawl, fly, slither, swim, burrow, or move around by means of propulsion other than two legs, the ones...
by mike | Sep 1, 2016 | Horror, Horror Movies, Movies, Psychological Thrillers, Uncategorized |
In this post from 2012 I talk about one of the scariest movies ever, and why I didn’t take a shower for quite some time. Until Field of Dreams hit the screen in 1989, my number one favorite movie was Alfred Hitchcock’s classic horror flick, Psycho. That was a long run...
by mike | Aug 15, 2016 | California, Horror, Horror Movies, Movies, Science Fiction, Uncategorized |
With so many folks pissed off about the remake of Ghostbusters, I got to thinking: has anyone ever referred to the remake of any much-loved movie as outstanding? More than likely the response is “meh” or “why bother?” or “what the heck were they thinking?” Did we...