by mike | Jan 26, 2017 | Ghosts, Guilty Pleasures, Horror, Horror Movies, Movies, Myths & Legends, Uncategorized |
You don’t want your kids encountering THIS tooth fairy. I first wrote about this film in 2013. AN EYE FOR AN EYE. YOUR LIFE FOR A TOOTH. That’s one of the taglines for the 2003 horror flick, Darkness Falls—a double entendre title if ever there was one. In this case,...
by mike | Jan 19, 2017 | Guilty Pleasures, Horror, Horror Movies, Movies, Sword & Planet, Uncategorized |
In this 2013 post I had to wonder why the slithery creatures known as anacondas are so fascinating to people. Like Indiana Jones, I too have asked that question many times of late. I finally decided to stop trying to figure it out and accept the fact that—to use one...
by mike | Dec 15, 2016 | Horror, Horror Movies, Movies, Uncategorized |
I sank pretty low back in 2012 with this post about a creepy subterranean labyrinth. BENEATH HEAVEN LIES HELL. BENEATH HELL LIES… The Cave. Actually, I probably could’ve designated this claustrophobic 2005 horror flick as a Guilty Pleasure, even though I’ve always...
by mike | Dec 1, 2016 | Guilty Pleasures, Horror, Horror Movies, Humor, Movies, Uncategorized |
The hilarious Tremors is one of my favorite “goofy fun” movies. I first wrote about it in 2012. THE ULTIMATE UNDERGROUND MOVIE. IT WILL LEAVE YOU LEGLESS! Yep, that was a tagline for the 1990 horror/comedy flick, Tremors. It didn’t bother me one bit, because—heck,...
by mike | Nov 28, 2016 | Guilty Pleasures, Horror, Horror Movies, Movies, Uncategorized |
Who knows, maybe there were a few extra full moons in 1981. Whatever the case, Hollywood appeared to wax lycanthropic with three wolf-themed films, including today’s subject, The Howling. The other two, which I’ve already written about, were Wolfen (see my post,...
by mike | Nov 24, 2016 | Horror, Horror Movies, Movies, Uncategorized |
I actually presented this post for the first time on Thanksgiving in 2012. What better day to talk about a turkey? This being Thanksgiving, it seems appropriate to write about a turkey of a movie. I’m talking about Mimic 2, the 2001 sequel to one of my favorite horror...