by mike | Dec 21, 2015 | Aging, Life, Uncategorized |
“Merry Christmas,” if that’s the holiday you’ll be celebrating later this week. “Happy Holidays,” if you don’t celebrate it but instead enjoy one of the many other various holidays that occur around this time of year. “Have A Nice Day” if you choose not to celebrate...
by mike | Oct 27, 2015 | Aging, Life, Travel, Uncategorized |
File this post under the heading of “Old-Guy-Wisdom-Formulated-By-Being-Around-So-Damn-Long” and take it for what it’s worth, or leave it. There are two phrases that you—and I—have doubtless used every day of our lives from the time we were little kids. They are: “I’m...
by mike | Aug 10, 2015 | Aging, Blowing Shit Up, Humor, Movies, Thrillers, Uncategorized |
If you’re an aficionado of all things explosive, you probably know that the three Expendables movies, featuring just about every action film hero of yore, constitute a “Blowing-Shit-Up-Fest” of the highest magnitude. The franchise is so popular (and makes so much...
by mike | Dec 29, 2014 | Aging, Books, Life, Science Fiction, Uncategorized |
As the year 2014 comes to an end this week, I got to thinking: how in the name of Zeus’s butthole did it pass so quickly?! I guess when a year is 1/68th of your life, that’s what happens. In any case, to slightly paraphrase a cherished line from the movie...
by mike | Oct 6, 2014 | Aging, Baseball, Death, Life, Uncategorized, Writing |
My dad, Murray Sirota, passed away at age fifty-nine in 1969, when I was just a mere slip of a lad—more or less. We knew it would happen; a couple of months earlier he’d been diagnosed with inoperable lung cancer, the end result of a lifetime of cigarette smoking, and...
by mike | Sep 2, 2014 | Aging, California, Life, Uncategorized |
“Hi, I’m Mike, and I’m a head case.” Okay, I hope that didn’t prompt you to counter with the typical twelve-step response, because if it did, I gotta worry about you. 🙂 Tell the truth, we’re probably all head cases when it comes to one thing or another—something...