by mike | Nov 26, 2018 | Aging, Life, Uncategorized |
I’ve done lots of walking/hiking over the decades, though in all likelihood not as much as during the past nine years. I had open-heart surgery back in 2009, and subsequently, over time, I realized that I was “Walking Scared,” as I called it. I guess that’s not hard...
by mike | Aug 16, 2018 | Aging, Baseball, Books, Death, Life, Science Fiction, Uncategorized, Writing |
This was a difficult post to write. It first appeared in 2014. My dad, Murray Sirota, passed away at age fifty-nine in 1969, when I was just a mere slip of a lad—more or less. We knew it would happen; a couple of months earlier he’d been diagnosed with inoperable lung...
by mike | Jul 23, 2018 | Aging, Films About Writers, Humor, Movies, Musical Theater, Uncategorized, Writing |
I can’t say that the 2018 comedy, Humor Me, did poorly at the box office. That’s because it did almost NO box office. It just sort of came and went, and we all missed it…and that’s a shame, as it definitely is funny, and at times even poignant. FROM ACCLAIMED WRITER...
by mike | Jul 12, 2018 | Aging, California, Life, Uncategorized |
Well, I’m probably still a head case, but not quite the same as I was back in 2014, when this post first ran. 😊 “Hi, I’m Mike, and I’m a head case.” Okay, I hope that didn’t prompt you to counter with the typical twelve-step response, because if it did, I gotta worry...
by mike | Apr 30, 2018 | Aging, Films About Writers, Humor, Life, Movies, Uncategorized, Writing |
In this, the era of #MeToo, when women are making it clear that they’re fed up with the bullshit to which they’ve been subjected from men since the days of the “goodwife,” the 2016 comedy-drama, Year by the Sea, is most timely. Based on a memoir by author Joan...
by mike | Dec 31, 2017 | Aging, Books, Life, Movies, Science Fiction, Uncategorized |
I first ran this New Year’s Eve post a few years ago. Given how relevant it remains, I present it today. Happy New Year! As the year 2017 comes to an end, I got to thinking: how in the name of Zeus’s butthole did it pass so quickly?! I guess when a year is 1/71st of...