by mike | Jun 27, 2024 | Death, Ghosts, Horror, Horror Movies, Movies, Paranormal, Psychological Thrillers, Thrillers, Uncategorized |
You want SCARY? That’s exactly what you’ll get with The Changeling, an absolute gem of a film. This post first ran in 2021. The 1980 Canadian-produced psychological horror film, The Changeling, offers little violence. And forget about buckets of blood—there is maybe a...
by mike | Jun 24, 2024 | Ghosts, Guilty Pleasures, Horror, Horror Movies, Movies, Psychological Thrillers, Uncategorized |
The 2010 “supernatural psychological horror” film, The Ward, is significant for being John Carpenter’s directorial finale. Did his decision have anything to do with the film, or was he just burned out of directing? Actually, the prolific Carpenter—director of cult...
by mike | Jun 20, 2024 | Baseball, Fantasy, Movies, Sports Movies, Uncategorized |
As I’ve written before, my two favorite movies ever are Field of Dreams and Frequency. Both are fantasies, and both are baseball-themed. This post is about The Scout, a lesser-known but equally entertaining baseball fantasy film. Released in 1994, The Scout did not do...
by mike | Jun 17, 2024 | Death, Films About Writers, Ghosts, Horror, Horror Movies, Movies, Uncategorized, Writing |
If I can use one word to describe the 2012 horror flick, Sinister, it is this: disturbing. But it did receive some decent reviews (a few “jump scares” and horror tropes notwithstanding), and it made a ton of money over its production budget. And, most important for...
by mike | Jun 13, 2024 | Baseball, California, Death, Life, Uncategorized |
A bit of “retro” that I hope will never make a comeback. This post first ran in 2021, with the pandemic at its height. Year Two (for crying out loud!) of the freaking coronavirus pandemic. Sure, it seems to be trending in the right direction, and many more people have...