by mike | Sep 19, 2024 | Humor, Movie Lines, Movies, Uncategorized |
Do you think all actors stick to the script? Not really. This post first ran in 2021. Film actors and actresses—especially the most creative ones—will deviate from a script more often than you’d think. Some of the most iconic movie lines were improvised. Here are a...
by mike | Sep 16, 2024 | Guilty Pleasures, Horror, Horror Movies, Movies, Uncategorized |
The 1988 “supernatural slasher” film, Child’s Play, introduced the world to Chucky, the Good Guy doll possessed by the spirit of a deranged serial killer. I’ve watched it a number of times over the past 36 years and had always thought of it as one of my (many) guilty...
by mike | Sep 12, 2024 | Mystery Novels, Native Americans, Uncategorized |
I found it interesting—but not surprising—that President Lincoln had a role in this. The post first ran in 2021. Abe Lincoln, our 16th president, is remembered for a great many achievements. The commissioning of the Lincoln Canes is probably not one of them…but it...
by mike | Sep 9, 2024 | Ghosts, Myths & Legends, Paranormal, Uncategorized |
Dark, dank, creepy… Abandoned tunnels seem likely places for all manner of paranormal activity. And among the league leaders is a short but spooky one on the Ontario, Canada side of Niagara Falls. It is known as the Screaming Tunnel. THE BURNING WOMAN The limestone...
by mike | Sep 5, 2024 | Ghosts, Myths & Legends, Paranormal, Uncategorized |
I used one of the creepiest stories from this haunted lighthouse for a scene in my latest novel. This post first ran in 2021. The Florida city of St. Augustine, located on the Atlantic coast and founded in 1565 by explorers from Spain, is the oldest...