by mike | Jul 16, 2020 | Guilty Pleasures, Humor, Movie Lines, Movies, Uncategorized, Western Movies |
I’ve watched this goofy film one more time since this post first ran in 2016, and I still think it’s a hoot—which puts me in a vast minority. I may be the only person on the planet who found the 1999 “steampunk western action comedy” film, Wild Wild West, a “pleasure”...
by mike | Jun 29, 2020 | Humor, Mystery Films, TV Shows, Uncategorized |
Spending most of our time indoors these days, my bride and I have discovered a number of great shows from around the globe on some of the streaming services. One of our absolute favorites (on Acorn) is the detective drama, The Brokenwood Mysteries. The only negative I...
by mike | Jun 25, 2020 | Humor, Movie Lines, Movies, Uncategorized |
Wow, has it been four years since Gene Wilder left us? I first presented this post in 2016. Gene left behind a great legacy of humor in his many films. Here is a small sampling of his best lines. THE PRODUCERS (As Leo Bloom, neurotic accountant, foil, and partner to...
by mike | Jun 18, 2020 | Books, Editing, Humor, Uncategorized, Writing, Writing Quotes |
As I noted when this post first ran in 2016, writers have never shied away from sharing thoughts about their craft, among other topics. In this occasional series we will have a look at some of their insights. I’ll begin with one of my favorite quotes EVER. “Substitute...
by mike | Jun 1, 2020 | Baseball, Books, Curious Possessions, Humor, Life, Uncategorized |
With seven-plus decades in the rearview mirror I’ve had plenty of time to collect a whole lot of “stuff.” Here is a look at some more “Curious Possessions” floating around my domicile. TILTING AT WINDMILLS I have a huge collection of Don Quixote “stuff.” The largest...
by mike | May 25, 2020 | Aging, Death, Humor, Life, Nightmares, Uncategorized |
Report from the Sirota Quarantine Cave: Jacqueline and I are doing fine. We’ve both been “sheltering in place” since she got back from a trip to Utah in mid-March. I suppose we’re more cautious than most, but hey, when they refer to “high-risk groups” they’re talking...