by mike | Apr 1, 2021 | Humor, Life, Movies, Spirituality, Travel, Uncategorized |
Traffic roundabouts notwithstanding, Sedona is a pretty cool place. This post first ran in 2017. Sedona is a funky town in central Arizona, one of our favorite places to visit. Sedona is also a 2011 indie film, a comedy-drama that, unfortunately, not a whole lot of...
by mike | Mar 22, 2021 | Books, Humor, Myths & Legends, Native Americans, Science Fiction, Uncategorized, Writing |
My last two Throwback Thursday posts centered around the Devils Tower in Wyoming, one of my favorite places in the world. I mentioned that in my latest book, Back on the Bike Path (A Jack Miller Senior Moment: Book Four), my cosmic bike rider pays two visits to the...
by mike | Mar 8, 2021 | Humor, Mysteries, Paranormal, TV Shows, Uncategorized |
Jonathan Creek is a narrow tributary to a Canadian river. Jonathan Creek is also the title of a venerable British TV mystery series, as well as the name of its lead character. And I must say, this exceptional series deserves its cult following. My only complaint is...
by mike | Feb 22, 2021 | Books, Curious Possessions, Humor, Life, Movies, Native Americans, Uncategorized |
With seven-plus decades in the rearview mirror I’ve had plenty of time to collect a whole lot of “stuff.” Here is a look at some more “Curious Possessions” floating around my domicile.
by mike | Feb 1, 2021 | California, Death, Humor, Life, Uncategorized |
Year Two of the coronavirus pandemic: yeah, this time I’m not exaggerating. The first case of Covid-19 showed up in the U.S. a year ago, and here we are, still dealing with it. We can thank a non-response by an incompetent administration for a disease that, sometime...
by mike | Jan 25, 2021 | Humor, Mysteries, TV Shows, Uncategorized |
Over the past decade the British/French “mystery/comedy/suspense” series, Death in Paradise, has been one of the highest rated shows going, especially in England. My bride and I just finished binging on the first nine seasons (72 hour-long episodes on BritBox) and are...