by mike | Sep 6, 2021 | Books, Editing, Historical Novels, Life, Medical Thrillers, Publishing, Read & Critique, Uncategorized, Writing |
It may be fifteen years that Courage to Heal, a novel based heavily in fact, was released by Sunbelt Publications, but its history goes back farther than that. As an editor and writing coach I worked on the project with its author, Dr. Paul Bernstein, years earlier....
by mike | Jul 22, 2021 | Books, Holocaust, Publishing, Thrillers, Uncategorized, Writing |
Sadly, this award-winning novel—about a brutal white supremacist group in the 1990s—continues to be relevant today, as it was in 2017, when I last presented this post. I began writing the bare bones of Freedom’s Hand many years ago and ultimately published it in 2013....
by mike | Jul 5, 2021 | Adventure fantasy, Books, Publishing, Sword & Sorcery, Uncategorized, Writing |
A reader in the UK, one of my 17 international fans, 😊 recently wrote me to say that his old copies of my Sword & Sorcery novels, Berbora and Flight From Berbora, had disintegrated and blown away on a slight breeze. I advised him that I had rewritten and reissued...
by mike | Jun 10, 2021 | Books, Editing, Fantasy, Publishing, Sword & Sorcery, Uncategorized, Writing |
By this time I have rewritten and reissued all of my previously published novels, a monumental task. This post first ran in 2017. Over the past few years I’ve been busy rewriting and reissuing many of my novels, the ones that were published from the late 1970s through...
by mike | May 24, 2021 | Aging, Books, California, Humor, Native Americans, Publishing, Science Fiction, Uncategorized, Writing |
You likely know how that sentence ends. More about it shortly. In a previous post, “Writing Humor: It Doesn’t All Have To Be Funny,” I documented how my first comedy/science fiction novel, Bicycling Through Space and Time, came to be published in the ’90s. Berkley...
by mike | Jan 11, 2021 | Books, California, Ghosts, Horror, Native Americans, Publishing, Thrillers, Writing |
“Oh, you’re a writer, but what do you do for a living?” Well, if you are a writer, you’ve probably heard that question in one form or another. I sure did, even more so than the one directed at my four horror novels. Unfortunately, in my case it was a valid question...