by mike | Oct 10, 2022 | Adventure fantasy, Humor, Movie Lines, Movies, Uncategorized |
Next year, 80-year-old Harrison Ford will reprise his role as the intrepid archaeologist (Indiana Jones and the Last Gasp?) in the as yet untitled fifth movie in the popular series, which began at the dawn of time…okay, 1981. Here are some memorable lines from the...
by mike | Aug 8, 2022 | Adventure fantasy, Books, Ghosts, Humor, Science Fiction, Sword & Planet, Uncategorized |
My second Sword & Planet spoof, The Horrors of Harrmel, continues the misadventures of erstwhile earthling Bernie Smith and his bride, Thanna Dora, “the most amazing woman on two worlds.” Bernie got zapped out of an Iowa cornfield by a shaft of light and deposited...
by mike | Jul 7, 2022 | Adventure fantasy, Fantasy, Guilty Pleasures, Monster Movies, Movies, Uncategorized |
I wonder how many other films are “archaeologically inaccurate.” Gawd! This post first ran in 2018. The 2008 “epic adventure” film, 10,000 BC, would not be a guilty pleasure if judged only by its box office. It made a fair amount of money. But the reviews for its...
by mike | May 23, 2022 | Adventure fantasy, Creature Features, Fantasy, Monster Movies, Monsters, Movie Lines, Movies, Science Fiction |
Yes, this is going to be one of those IMHO posts, and you may or may not agree with which King Kong film is my favorite. No problem, we all know what we like. I might also add that I’m only talking about the three American-made films actually titled King Kong, as well...
by mike | Jan 31, 2022 | Adventure fantasy, Books, Fantasy, Humor, Science Fiction, Sword & Planet, Uncategorized, Writing |
It is about time to announce (trumpets, here) that I am hard at work on a new book! The Horrors of Harrmel, a Sword & Planet spoof, is a sequel to my 2016 novel, The Wizard from Harrmel, sub-titled The Weird Adventures of Bernie Smith on the Distant and Deadly...
by mike | Dec 30, 2021 | Adventure fantasy, Death, Fantasy, Guilty Pleasures, Movies, Uncategorized |
Watching this film proves that I’m easily entertained. I first presented this post in 2018. The first time I watched the 2011 historical fantasy/adventure film, Season of the Witch—starring Nicolas Cage and Ron Perlman—I did so with no preconceived notions. The...