by mike | Mar 14, 2016 | Baseball, Books, Editing, Historical Novels, Horror, Life, Publishing, Read & Critique, Thrillers, Uncategorized, Writing |
I had lunch last week with a horror writer from Maine. (No, not THAT horror writer.) Hank Garfield and his wonderful girlfriend, Lisa, were in San Diego for a vacation, as well as to visit some of Hank’s family. I hadn’t seen my old friend since he moved back to Maine...
by mike | Feb 11, 2016 | Books, Editing, Humor, Nightmares, Science Fiction, Uncategorized, Writers' Retreat, Writing |
Back in 2012, when I facilitated workshops at the Hunt Country Writers’ Retreat in Virginia, I finally got to meet Ken Kraus for the first time. Ken is a New Jersey-based writer of speculative fiction, and while I’d worked with him on and off for years as his editor...
by mike | Feb 4, 2016 | Books, Editing, Fantasy, Publishing, Sword & Sorcery, Uncategorized, Writing |
This post from back in time talks about a two-word phrase that, without question, is an integral tool in every novelist’s toolbox. Everything I write—everything that just about all novelists write—begins with those two words. I prepare detailed outlines for my...
by mike | Jan 11, 2016 | Books, Editing, Films About Writers, Movies, Publishing, Research, Thrillers, Uncategorized, Writing |
This 2010 political drama, directed by Roman Polanski, stars a young Obi-Wan Kenobi (wait, I mean Ewan McGregor) as “The Ghost.” He is never referred to by name, an indication that there will be something “different” about this meticulously paced and intriguing film....
by mike | Dec 24, 2015 | Books, California, Editing, Ghosts, Horror, Native Americans, Research, Uncategorized, Writing |
My ghost story, The Burning Ground, was first published in 2012. Here is an interview I did back then about the book. Q: How did you get the idea for The Burning Ground? A: One of the most used and abused books in my collection is A.L. Kroeber’s Handbook of the...
by mike | Dec 10, 2015 | Adventure fantasy, Books, Editing, Fantasy, Ghosts, Horror, Life, Native Americans, Publishing, Research, Science Fiction, Sword & Planet, Sword & Sorcery, Uncategorized, Writing |
With over two hundred posts in the nearly four-year existence of my blog, I thought it might be fun to revisit some of the older stories. Beginning today, in addition to the new posts on Monday I will use the Wayback Machine every Thursday to summon up the past....