The Emily Morgan Hotel.

“Across the alley from the Alamo.” That’s the first line of an old Mills Brothers song. Actually, across the street from the Alamo in downtown San Antonio stands the Emily Morgan Hotel, renowned in paranormal circles as one of the most haunted places in America.


In December of 2006 my bride and I went to San Antonio to watch her beloved Iowa Hawkeyes play the University of Texas in the Alamo Bowl. We stayed at the Emily Morgan Hotel, totally clueless about its history. I’ve learned a great deal about the venerable building since then.

Built in 1924, the thirteen-story structure began life as the Medical Arts Building and remained so for half a century. During that time, countless lobotomies were performed there, before the barbaric practice was outlawed. Many believe that the tormented spirits of patients still remain. It was also used as a morgue during World War II.

In 1977 the building, now utilized for office space, was recognized by the National Register of Historic Places as a part of the Alamo Plaza Historic District. Approximately 600 souls perished in the famous 1836 battle. Given its proximity, did the building absorb a number of their spirits?

Lobotomies were common practice back in the day.


Now repurposed, the Emily Morgan Hotel began receiving guests in 1984. It did not take long for reports, from guests and staff alike, of strange and sometimes frightening encounters. Among the most frequent was the sighting of a ghostly nurse, in a uniform depicting the building’s early days, wandering the hallways. When approached, she faded from sight.

A great deal of paranormal activity takes place on the seventh, ninth, and top floors. These floors contained the medical building’s psychiatric ward, a morgue, and a surgical area for the aforementioned lobotomies. More nurses have been spotted on these floors pushing gurneys, and guests have reported orbs of light and sudden chills in their rooms.


One such spirit has a name: Elvira Moreno. According to legend, Elvira was stabbed to death in room 810, and her spirit is often encountered within the walls of the hotel, especially in the room where she was murdered. All reports allude to a young, dark-haired woman in a white gown.

The hotel is real close to the Alamo.

Even the elevators are scary. They sometimes go up and down with no passengers; they skip floors; they take riders down to the basement, which is blocked off to guests due to a reported odor of burning flesh, creepy voices, and more glowing orbs of light.

Shadowy figures; a cold touch on your shoulder; footsteps in the hallways, or the rooms; creepy reflections in the mirrors; objects moving on their own. This hotel has it all. No wonder USA Today ranked it the third most haunted hotel in the world in 2015.

But the Emily Morgan Hotel embraces its ghostly history and welcomes those seeking a paranormal experience, as well as a luxury stay. Book a trip there…if you dare. Their website is America’s Most Haunted Hotel: Tales from Emily Morgan Hotel.

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