by mike | Jul 16, 2018 | Books, Fantasy, Humor, Science Fiction, Uncategorized, Writing |
Once again the trilogy is complete. My revised comedy/sci-fi story, The 22nd Gear (A Retro Ride: Book Three) joins Bicycling Through Space and Time and The Ultimate Bike Path to chronicle bicyclist Jack Miller’s weird and wonderful adventures in some pretty strange...
by mike | Jul 5, 2018 | Books, Editing, Thrillers, Uncategorized, Writing |
When it comes to writing, old rules are still good rules. This post first ran in 2014. In my centuries of evaluating and editing manuscripts I’ve probably been through five million of ’em. (Wait, I’m not supposed to exaggerate; it’s only one million.) With that large...
by mike | Jun 25, 2018 | Books, California, Guilty Pleasures, Humor, Movies, Sword & Sorcery, Uncategorized, Writing |
Okay, first of all I’m writing this on a sunny Southern California afternoon, and the next storm is not expected here till at least November. But hey, I am a purveyor of fiction, and as my dear bride can confirm, I tend to exaggerate upon occasion. Just a little bit...
by mike | Jun 11, 2018 | Books, Life, Thrillers, Uncategorized, Writing |
Recently, I discovered something about myself that, quite honestly, I did not like. It has to do with a fictional character: Dirk Pitt, the ubiquitous creation of bestselling author Clive Cussler. For those unfamiliar with Pitt, he is the central character in about...
by mike | Jun 7, 2018 | Books, Editing, Publishing, Read & Critique, Uncategorized, Writing |
We all know some, guys included. 😊 I first presented this post in 2014. In facilitating read & critique workshops in my home for over a dozen years I’ve encountered more than my share of drama queens—and kings. The subject in this post is a compilation of them...
by mike | May 31, 2018 | Books, Editing, Films About Writers, Movies, Publishing, Uncategorized, Writing |
This film truly depicts writers and writing. I first presented the post in 2014. We writers don’t usually find cause to save the country, or the planet, or the galaxy (except in our own stories), so making us the heroes on the silver screen is not something that gets...