by mike | Jan 25, 2018 | Books, Editing, Publishing, Read & Critique, Uncategorized, Writers' Conferences, Writing |
With regard to self-publishing, things haven’t changed much since I first presented this post in 2014. Quite a few years ago, when self-publishing, e-publishing, POD and such were in their embryonic stages, literary super-agent Richard Curtis (who at one time...
by mike | Jan 18, 2018 | Editing, Humor, Publishing, Uncategorized, Writing |
Too funny! Opening lines that are so bad—they’re good. I first presented this post in 2014. I just can’t get enough of those great bad opening lines that have been submitted to the Bulwer-Lytton Fiction Contest over the decades. Here are some more gems from recent...
by mike | Jan 15, 2018 | Books, Editing, Humor, Publishing, Science Fiction, Sword & Planet, Uncategorized, Writing |
As one who loves to write, I enjoyed creating all my many published novels. But my comedy/sci-fi trilogy (Bicycling Through Space and Time, The Ultimate Bike Path, and The 22nd Gear, all from Ace/Berkley) provided me with the most fun I ever had—and ultimately, sad to...
by mike | Dec 7, 2017 | Books, Publishing, Sword & Planet, Uncategorized, Writing |
Authors get their careers started in different ways. Here is one of my earliest experiences. I first presented this post in 2014. This story is about the best day ever for a first-time published author: me. Naturally it took place a long, long time ago: 1978, to be...
by mike | Nov 16, 2017 | Books, Editing, Humor, Publishing, Uncategorized, Writing |
Many folks—especially writers—love reading these deliberately bad opening lines. I first presented this post in 2013. I suppose I’m fascinated, if not obsessed, with the bad opening lines that have been submitted to the Bulwer-Lytton Fiction Contest over the past...
by mike | Nov 9, 2017 | Books, Editing, Holocaust, Psychological Thrillers, Publishing, Thrillers, Uncategorized, Writing |
Transitioning from one scene to the next in a novel is important enough to warrant a second post. I first presented this in 2013. In my last post I promised to share some more transitions from my novel, FREEDOM’S HAND, to show how this necessary device can strengthen...