In Memoriam…Jacqueline Sirota

In Memoriam…Jacqueline Sirota

Jacqueline was my world, my everything. The bravest person I’d ever known, she battled and beat the demon cancer many times during our 3+ decades together. Two of those times she was “toe-tagged”—advised to get her affairs in order. Neither came to pass. But last...
An Iowa Basketball Story

An Iowa Basketball Story

My bride, Jacqueline, is a Hawkeye through and through. After we met in the early ’90s we would fly back to Cedar Rapids once or twice a year to visit her parents, Carol and Jack Benzinger, before they passed away in 2011 and 2012 respectively. On a visit in the early...
78 Is Just A Number

78 Is Just A Number

Yeah, but later this week (March 6, to be exact) it becomes more than a number to me. It marks how many years I’ve been on this plane of existence since the day I was deposited here by the Mother Ship. Holy crap, 78?!? I thought only old people achieved that number....

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