by mike | Oct 13, 2016 | Books, Editing, Fantasy, Publishing, Sword & Sorcery, Uncategorized, Writing |
This post first ran in 2012. Obviously, the second Tyron novel mentioned in it was published the following year. I’ve written about this being my third writing career, with a gap of about seventeen years since my second writing career until starting up again in 2011....
by mike | Jun 30, 2016 | Fantasy, Humor, Magical realism, Movies, Uncategorized |
A whole bunch of quirky characters appear in this magical film, which I wrote about in 2012. The word “quixotic” has its roots in—what else?—Don Quixote, the subject of my last post. By definition the word means, “Foolishly impractical, especially in the pursuit of...
by mike | Jun 23, 2016 | Books, Fantasy, Humor, Science Fiction, Travel, Uncategorized |
I had tons of experience in tilting at windmills when I first presented this post in 2012. It may surprise you to know that my favorite literary character is not John Carter of Mars, or Conan the Barbarian, or even Frodo Baggins. That distinction goes to a rather odd,...
by mike | Jun 9, 2016 | Books, Fantasy, Publishing, Sword & Sorcery, Uncategorized, Writing |
In this 2012 post I talk about an amazing discovery that I made about one of my old book covers. These days, I get to play the “age card” for all manner of brain farts and such. It comes in pretty handy when I walk into my office and totally forget why I did, or...
by mike | May 26, 2016 | Fantasy, Guilty Pleasures, Movies, Sword & Sorcery, Uncategorized |
I first ran this post about one of my favorite movies back in 2012. There is still talk about a Conan reboot, also starring Arnold Schwarzenegger, on the horizon. They’d better hurry; dude is turning seventy next year! The thundering drums from Basil Poledouris’s...
by mike | May 19, 2016 | Books, Death, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Uncategorized, Writing |
I wrote this post in 2012 a few days after Ray Bradbury passed away. This excellent writer and even better person cannot be honored enough. For many years now, Ray Bradbury was often referred to as “the world’s greatest living science fiction writer.” Not many people...