by mike | Mar 5, 2014 | Editing, Humor, Publishing, Uncategorized, Writing |
I just can’t get enough of those great bad opening lines that have been submitted to the Bulwer-Lytton Fiction Contest over the decades. Here are some more gems from recent years. Hermann lay with Esmerelda, entwined with one another among love-tangled sheets and he...
by mike | Dec 31, 2013 | Books, Editing, Mystery Novels, Publishing, Writing |
I’ve had the great pleasure of working with author Michele Scott for about a decade. Besides our work together we are great friends—she calls me her second dad, and having met her father prior to his passing, I consider that an honor. Michele was an unpublished,...
by mike | Dec 16, 2013 | Books, Editing, Humor, Publishing, Uncategorized, Writing |
I suppose I’m fascinated, if not obsessed, with the bad opening lines that have been submitted to the Bulwer-Lytton Fiction Contest over the past thirty years. What the heck, they are so entertaining. Here are some more award-winning gems from the past. Enjoy! His...
by mike | Dec 9, 2013 | Books, Bookstores, Editing, Holocaust, Horror, Psychological Thrillers, Publishing, Thrillers, Uncategorized, Writing |
In my last post I promised to share some more transitions from my novel, FREEDOM’S HAND, to show how this necessary device can strengthen a writer’s story. It’s time to pay off. The early scene where Nathan Adler and the Lowe family first arrive at Lager, the desert...
by mike | Dec 2, 2013 | Books, Bookstores, Editing, Holocaust, Publishing, Thrillers, Uncategorized, Writing |
As a writing coach for two centuries or more I have read a lot of transitions from one POV to another, one scene to another, even one past era to a contemporary story, from countless students and clients. Many of them are fine, others not so much. You can confuse the...
by mike | Nov 18, 2013 | Books, Bookstores, California, Editing, Publishing, Thrillers, Uncategorized, Writing |
With regard to novelists, I’ve written a great deal about listening to the voices of experience when it comes to a writing coach/editor. I shared the following story some years ago in my newsletter and figured it would be just as relevant today. VINCENT WHO? I...