by mike | Jun 28, 2012 | Adventure fantasy, Books, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Sword & Sorcery, Writing |
These days, I get to play the “age card” for all manner of brain farts and such. It comes in pretty handy when I walk into my office and totally forget why I did, or worse, when I leave my car keys in the refrigerator. But since what I’m about to tell you has a shelf...
by mike | Jun 22, 2012 | Adventure fantasy, Books, Horror, Movies, Romance, Sword & Planet, Writing |
Did you expect to see the word “profit” in that title? Not likely. Let me share some thoughts from what I’ve experienced over the past gazillion years and nearly thirty novels written. First though, an update on my previous post about John Carter, the supposed...
by mike | Jun 18, 2012 | Adventure fantasy, Books, Fantasy, Movies, Science Fiction, Sword & Planet, Writing |
Okay, if you read this blog you must know how I feel about Edgar Rice Burroughs—my muse, the author whose works inspired me to start writing back at the dawn of time. So do I have an opinion about John Carter, the 2012 overhyped movie named for ERB’s second most...
by mike | Jun 4, 2012 | Adventure fantasy, Books, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Sword & Planet, Sword & Sorcery, Writing |
Since I’ve spent the last two posts on my favorite and most inspirational writer, Edgar Rice Burroughs, I decided to continue that theme with a story about a less famous author, Otis Adelbert Kline. What does one have to do with the other? Readers of the science...
by mike | May 30, 2012 | Adventure fantasy, Books, California, Fantasy, Movies, Science Fiction, Sword & Sorcery, Writing |
In my last post I noted that Edgar Rice Burroughs was the single greatest source of inspiration for both my love of reading and my own writing career. With the recent re-release of the first book I ever wrote, The Master of Boranga—which had the Burroughs stamp all...
by mike | May 24, 2012 | Adventure fantasy, Books, Fantasy, Movies, Science Fiction, Sword & Planet, Writing |
In the 1980s I published a sword & sorcery novel titled, The Twentieth Son of Ornon (reissued earlier this year as The Sons of Ornon). It might have been my tenth or eleventh published book at the time; I’m not sure. More important was the dedication/author’s note...