Swords, Specters, & Stuff

Welcome to My World

I started this blog in January 2012 for one simple reason: I love to write. I named it “Swords, Specters, & Stuff” because I especially love to write about writing, about books and movies in my favorite genres, about authors that mean a great deal to me. But there’s more to it than that, which is why I included “Stuff” in the title. It is “Stuff” that gives me carte blanche to write about anything, which is why you’ll see stories about special trips to Cooperstown, Sedona, and other places; about getting older; about baseball; about the otherworldly way in which I met my soul mate; about the loss of good friends, and so much more. Enjoy! And feel free to leave a comment.

Throwback Thursday: A Few Thoughts On A Dark And Stormy Night

Throwback Thursday: A Few Thoughts On A Dark And Stormy Night

Okay, first of all I’m writing this on a sunny Southern California afternoon, and the next storm is not expected here till at least November. But hey, I am a purveyor of fiction, and as my dear bride can confirm, I tend to exaggerate upon occasion. Just a little bit though. So here are some thoughts and updates about this and that.

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“Ghostbusters, Whaddya Want?”—Lines From A Great Film Series, Part One

“Ghostbusters, Whaddya Want?”—Lines From A Great Film Series, Part One

Having just watched the fourth film in the nearly forty-year-old franchise, GHOSTBUSTERS: AFTERLIFE, I decided to feature these movies in my next three posts. This week: lines from the first two films. The following week, lines from the more recent entities. And finally, I’ll rate the films—in my humble estimation, of course.

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A Novelist’s Challenge: “What Book Should I Write Next?”

A Novelist’s Challenge: “What Book Should I Write Next?”

When the pandemic drove us indoors in early 2020, I found a number of ways to keep busy. At that point I hadn’t written a new book in years, but circumstances being what they were, I decided the time had come to do just that. So I journeyed far and wide to the repository of unfinished stories and unrealized book proposals—aka the file cabinet in my attic—to see what I could find. And one partial manuscript of 35,000 words that seemed to call out “finish me, please finish me” caught my attention.

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Bernie Smith Is Back! Well, Soon…

Bernie Smith Is Back! Well, Soon…

It is about time to announce (trumpets, here) that I am hard at work on a new book! THE HORRORS OF HARRMEL, a Sword & Planet spoof, is a sequel to my 2016 novel, THE WIZARD FROM HARRMEL, sub-titled “The Weird Adventures of Bernie Smith on the Distant and Deadly World of Persus.” If the tides don’t rise and the meteor misses Earth, it should be ready in a month or two.

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